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I recently changed the hazard switch in my 1980 MGB. It is possible to connect the switch to the connector "upside down". If you do you will find that your windshield wipers will move in unison with your turn signals flasher. So make note of the correct positions for connector and switch before installing the switch in the dash.

-Brian Dawkins

To restore that new look to your vinyl, spray it with vinyl spray paint. One coat usually does the trick. This works especially well with the darker colors and white.

-Mike Gibson

Tonneau cover zipper difficult to zip. Try lubricating the zipper with Chap Stick. Candle wax also works well.

-name not supplied

Juddering wipers? Put a very small "twist" roughly central in the wiper arm (not the blade) using 2 adjustable spanners.First attempt will inevitably be in the wrong direction and make matters worse.
Secondly, clean the screen using a small amount of toothpaste - spakling,bright !!!

-Gordon Davies

Trying to reassemble your front discs on your MGB can be a real hastle. While putting the required shims in to space the new wheel bearings the hub wants to keep moving out from the spindle. Cure, use a wood workers 4" squeeze clamp (rubber tipped) and clamp the disc to the backing plate. The spring loaded clamp lets the disc move without coming off, frustration solved.

-Kim Fernied

How do you find the cause of a constantly blowing fuse? If, with everything switched off, the fuse blows immediately the battery is reconnected how can you start to trace the fault?

The simplest way to do this is to substitute an inspection lamp for the offending fuse. If the fuse holder is easily accessible, remove the fuse and clip the leads of the inspection lamp to the fuse connections in the fuse holder. If access is difficult, solder wires to each end of a blown fuse and refit the fuse. The inspection lamp can then be connected to the other ends of the wires.

Now reconnect the battery and, assuming the short circuit is still present, the inspection lamp will light. No damage will be done to the wiring as the current flow will be limited by the resistance of the bulb. You can now search away for the elusive fault. Once the fault has been cured the lamp will go out. The inspection lamp and modified fuse can be removed and a new fuse can safely be fitted. Problem solved!

-name not supplied

Looking for a cheap alternative to replacing the headliner in your MGBGT? If the headliner has stains in it from water, smoke, or whatever, just use some shoe whitener on it. Get the stuff in the applicator bottle for about $5, clean off the headliner and apply some of the whitener. Because you have to hold the bottle with the applicator up, you'll have to shake the bottle and maybe press it down on something to get some of the liquid out, then rub it onto the headliner. A few coats should do the trick, just put a thin layer on, let it dry, then put some more on. The whitener should cover most of the stains.

-name withheld by request

Oil filler caps on 1500 engines with stock valve covers are standard radiator cap size, and the spring loaded part won't interfere with the rocker arms.

-Chris Neggers

The Vyback rear window on convertible tops sometimes becomes badly creased due to incorrect stowage of the soft top assembly. We have found that these creases in most cases can be removed satisfactorily by simply filling a plastic bottle with hot water and rolling it across the creased area and at the same time supporting the opposite side of the window.

- Tom Broberg

Cheap white vinegar dissolves rust. Pour some into a coffee can and drop in those rusty bolts. Let is sit for a few days sloshing occasionally.
Also works as a gas tank cleaner. Filling it with vinegar and letting it sit for a few days will give you a tank cleaned down to bare metal with lose flakes that can be easily flushed out with a garden hose.

- foxtrapper

Along the same lines...

I recently refurbished a fuel tank that was severly rusted inside. It was so bad that the fuel sending unit components had been totally eaten away! I filled the tank to the top with white vinegar and let it set for 48 hours. The vinegar took it down to the bare metal! All rust gone!. I rinsed it, applied etching solution, then Bill Hirsch tank sealant, installed a new fuel sending unit and it worked like a charm! The 10 gallons of white vinegar cost me $11 total!

- M. Puls

Does the horn not work on your 1971-76 MGB? If you determine that the horn brush is the cause of the malfunction, use a click-type ballpoint pen to replace it.
Cut the plastic barrel down to 2" in length, and the brass ink cartridge inside to 2.5".
Be sure to crimp the end of the ink cartridge. To be safe, put a towel on your lap when you test the horn; the electrical current will cause any liquid ink to ooze out of the cartridge and onto your pants!
This last-minute fix allowed my 1974 MGB to pass state inspection just in time for me to drive it to Lime Rock Park one Memorial Day weekend.

- Dan Meenan

One hint on main and rear seals. If your new seal leaks try putting a 1/32" gasket behind the seal. That moves the seal contact just enough to hit a new surface on the shaft. This solved my leaks. You can obtain gasket material from any auto store and cut to fit.

- Bob Ross

So, you don't have enough room in your Midget trunk for anything bigger than a shaving kit after you put the spare tire, jack, and toolbox in? I stumbled on this by accident. I have a motorcycle trailer that I needed a spare tire for, so while at Walmart one day I saw both the wheel and tire (mounted) for less than $30.00. I bought it and took it home and set it in the garage by my Midget. After walking by it for about a day, I noticed the trailer wheel and my midget wheel seemed to match--lug nut wise. I jacked up the Midget, pulled off the rostyle and lo and behold I had a perfect match. the holes are slightly larger in diameter, but fit perfectly. Now I carry the little tire in my trunk which looks just like one of those new temporary spares on new cars.
I probably wouldn't try to go 80mph on it, but to go 50 to 100 miles at a reasonable speed is a snap.
note: If a rear tire goes flat, swap the front from that side to the rear and the put the spare on the front and that way you won't do any harm to your rear end. The space you gain in your trunk will allow you to carry a suitcase plus!!!

-Mike Clemens

I put a rebuilt engine in my 77 MGB but the oil pressure took 10 seconds to indicate any pressure each time I started it. Discovered that the tall oil filter I had was the problem. Put the small recommended filter on and now the pressure comes up immediately since it doesnt have to fill the oil filter first.

-Jim Demello

During restorations, often it is desirable to paint bolt and screw heads to help them match or disappear into the background. To do this, it is helpful to get a plastic container (such as a margarine tub), and drill appropriately sized holes in the bottom. Insert the fasteners and spray away. The plastic holds them upright and together in a small area, where they can stay while they dry. Of course, you can reuse the plastic holder many times.

-Martin Secrest

Rebuilding front swivel assemblies on your MGB can be a real task. Here is what I did to make the job easier.
I started with the removal of the lower bushing, I used a Sawsall (a jigsaw would work) with a metal blade to cut through the length of the bushing, it pops right out. I then used a socket slightly smaller than the machined grove in the bottom of the swivel hub and pressed the new bushing into place using a 6" bench vise. No reamer no problem, I located my little hone (3 stone) used to deglaze brake cylinders and with some patience sized it perfectly for the new kingpin.
I have done a number of these now and in each case the lower bush was the only one needing replacement, the upper was good in each rebuild although a similar approach could be taken with it.

- Kim Fernie

Valve cover gaskets have a nasty habit of leaking, no matter how hard you try and line it up. An old racing trick is to glue the gasket to the valve cover with gasket cement. Let that set for several hours. Then smear the other face of the gasket with grease where it meets the cylinder head. Reinstall valve cover, no more leaks, from the valve cover that is ;).

- Tim Burston

Ever have to put rivets to tight places were the rivet gun won't fit? Stack a few very small diameter nuts or washers on the shaft of the rivet before placing it in the gun. You effectively extend the tip of the gun. Just be ready to catch all the nuts or washers. Works great in any recessed channels.

-Paul Tegler

The screw-top from an old spark plug works also.

-Atwell Haines

If you have an early Sprite-Midget with a generator and are having problems with smoke coming out of your "gen" when the battery is connected or have the batt discharge you may have the connector at your voltage regulator installed backwards (the brown wires 2 on 1 side & only 1 on the other). Look at your wiring diagram!

-Dave Tucker

Regarding the manifold tightening (intake/exhaust) on 1500 series engines. The wrench needed to tighten the two center nuts is one that has a slight bend in it (kind of a gentle u-shaped wrench). The wrench will be 9/16" on one end and 5/8" on the other.
This wrench makes it easy to get to those bolts and does not get into it's own way like the straight ones do!!!

-Alfred Hester

When rebuilding brake calipers, manuals say something silly like remove "remove pistons from the caliper" but any that has ever tried it is never that easy especially when the pistons are rusted in. Start with the calipers removed from the car. Screw in one of the bleeders from the other caliper about half way into the hole where the brake hose came out. Use a bicycle pump attached to the loose bleeder and pump it up. Be sure to put a piece of wood or other soft material between pistons as piston can shoot out.
When one piston is out, clean it and put it back into the caliper just far enough to make an air seal. Use a C clamp to hold it in place and pump up caliper again to extract the other piston.
The great thing about my bike pump is it had a feature that clamped the hose to the bleeder; hands free! Also, it had a built in pressure gauge. It took between 80 and 100 psi to loosen the frozen pistons.

-John Goethert

Another technique for re-installing the driveshaft is to use masking tape around the front u-joint. This will allow you to install the driveshaft all by yourself with the aid of a decent light.

-David Lieb

I got a '67 Sprite last year and decided to replace the points, condenser, and rotor (just for drill). After about 100 miles, the engine died abruptly. I had kept the old parts and found that installing the old rotor got it running again. I then bought a new LUCAS sentence five times. I Mic'ed the notch in the dist. shaft and the key inside the rotor. I Shaved off about 0.010" from the key of another new rotor with a mini-grinder and installed. Have not had a failure in several thousand miles. The key was slightly too wide and when installed, put the plastic rotor casting (actually molded) under a slight strain. After a few miles, this resulted in a breakdown of the insulating properties of the plastic, shorting the high voltage pulse from the coil to ground.

-Clay L.

Trying to see if you are getting spark but don't have an assistant to crank the car? Let jumper cables be your assistant. Remove the plug from the head. Push it back on the ignition wire. Clamp one of the cables to the threaded area of the plug and the other end to a good ground. The stiffness of the cables will hold the plug high enough above the engine to be seen from the driver's seat. Caution: before turning over engine make sure cable is clear of the fan blades.

-Tom Broberg

Use a toilet plunger to pull out large dents.

-John Goethert

Fixing hail damage or other small dents is often easy with some simple tools: a welding/heating torch, a bucket of "ice water" and a hand towel soaked in the ice water. With medium flame, run the flame around the ouside of the hail dent keeping the hand moving continuosly, the dent will pop up, imediately place the icewater towel over the poped up dent and it is removed.This method will burn off paint so repainting is required

-Fred Thomas

One of the most difficult maintenance items on a Spridget is to fill or top up the transmission with the unit in the car. I have found the best method for me is to drain the oil and refill completely. I use the same Castrol 20w/50 as I use in the engine for both my '72 street car and my '67 vintage race car. Once I've drained the transmission, I refill it through the shift lever hole. Just remove the gaiter or metal housing, remove the three 7/16" bolts that hold the retaining plate to the tailshaft, pull out the lever carefully and pour in the premeasured amount of oil. Be sure to pour slowly as there is a small hole on the rear side that will allow oil to escape and get all over the transmission or the carpet. Have patience and watch that the oil drains down quicker than you put it in.

-Bob Spruck

When using the shiftlever hole to fill the tranny of an A-Series Spridget, it fills much faster if you go ahead and pull the "normal" fill plug. This will also allow you to see when it is full.

-David Lieb

I have found a simplified way of inserting driveshaft into rear of transmission. Drive or jack rear of car on ramps. Remove gearshift gaiter from inside car, remove carpeting from front of trans tunnel. There is a gap between back of trans and body take an ordinary metal clothes hanger an bend into a u shape. Have someone under car manipulate driveshaft while someone puts metal hanger around end of driveshaft and aligns it with back of trans. The whole procedure takes about 30 seconds and your on your way!

-Kenny Senft

Over filling and under filling fluids should both be avoided. Engines, brake master cylinders, and radiators each have visual or mechanical means of measuring fluid contents but transmissions and differentials do not. In order to insure that I neither overfill nor underfill these critical and expensive to repair components, I pre measure the correct amount of fluid and then pour it into the cavity. To do this easily and accurately, I use a clean oil bottle that has a clear strip on the side and has graduated markings in liters and ounces. Valvoline bottles work best since they are white with a clear strip while other brands are colored and it is more difficult to see the amount of fluid inside. I cut an appropriate size opening on the top behind the screw top so I can fill the bottle with transmission oil or diff oil, leaving enough of a lip to be able to pour without spilling.

-Bob Spruck

If you've ever tried to drill holes in a floor-pan through the carpet, you know that catching the fibers and pulling out a chunk of the weave is inevitable. To avoid that, but a slit in the carpet with a razor and then insert a short steel tube slightly larger that the drill bit. Now you can drill through the tube.


If you've ever tried to drill holes in a floor-pan through the carpet, you know that catching the fibers and pulling out a chunk of the weave is inevitable. To avoid that, but a slit in the carpet with a razor and then insert a short steel tube slightly larger that the drill bit. Now you can drill through the tube.


Along the same lines....

The best and easiest way to put bolts/screws through carpet and insulation is to locate the holes with small nails and then doing the following. After all holes have small nails in them and your carpet/insulation is laid down, then take a small piece of steel tubing with a diameter just slightly larger than your bolts (I used an old piece of a golf club shaft). Holding the tube with pliers, use a propane torch to heat the tube. Center the tube over each nail and press through the carpet/insulation until you fell it hit the metal. Twist the tube a bit to make sure you have burned/cut completely through. Make sure you always hold the tube perfectly upright. Then lift the tube out and you will have a remarkably clean and perfectly round hole for your bolts/screws. The nail and cut-out carpet/insulation material will come up inside the tube. Drop the tube in cold water, then remove the carpet/insulation material and nail from inside. You have to do this because you will need to reheat the tube for each hole and if you reheat with the material inside, it will catch fire. I made all my holes for the entire interior in less than 20 minutes!

- M. Puls

An easy way to reach those tight spots where only the screw will fit. Cut a section of vacuum hose, and slip it over the tip of the screwdriver. Push the head of the screw into the hose and that's it.


Bleeding Brakes/clutch--limit the travel of the brake pedal if using the pedal to bleed (as opposed to pressure bleeding or vacuum bleeding.) If you allow the piston in a used master cylinder to travel beyond the area of normal travel, the layer of gunk on the cylinder wall can tear up the cups, causing failure of the master shortly after. We put a block or blocks under the brake pedal to hold it about as far off the floor as it is when the brake is applied. If you happen to be replacing or rebuilding the master at the same time, so that you know the bore is clean all the way down, this tip does not apply.

-John Goethert

Finding a small exhaust leak can really be a pain. One trick is to pour a little automatic transmission fluid into the carb throat while the car is running. The mass of smoke will result seeping out of any hole in the system.
As a plus, it cleans out the carbon too and I've been told by a mechanic that it lubricates the valves.

-Bill Miller

Ever have a blowing fuse that you can't track down the reason. And then after playing with it for two hours, wiggling wires, stretching and wiggling cables, pushing on the dash gauges, and nothing on the 10 mile test drive helps, what do you do? Attach a 12 volt buzzer, such as Radio Shack no. 272-055, with one terminal on each side of the fuse. Then when the fuse blows, the buzzer will sound. It will enable you to know exactly when and under what conditions (such as a turn or railroad crossing) the short occurs.

-Martin Blais

Found it impossible to bend brake lines without crimping them? Try pushing a straightened out coat hanger into the line before bending. I have also heard filling the line with sand will keep it from crimping but never tried it (be sure to clean it out well before fitting!)

-Tom Broberg

Tip for cleaning discolored aluminum brightwork
OK, you're restoring your British sports car and now you're up against scratched and discolored aluminum brightwork. You would like to buff it out to bring out the luster but there's a hard anodized coating that will have to be removed before any polishing or buffing can take place. The first time I tried to rectify this I used emery cloth, but it was dusty, time consuming and somewhat frustrating. I'll never do it that way again! Here's a neat, clean and fast way to overcome the problem:

1. Trot down to your neighborhood grocery store and pick up a can of Easy-Off Oven Cleaner and a pair of rubber household gloves.

2. Spray the oven cleaner liberally over the anodizing and let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes.

3. Rinse with water and wipe the part clean. Voila! Pure uncoated aluminum. Re-anodize if you wish but I prefer mine uncoated and polished.

WARNING!-Remove the part from the car prior to applying the cleaner. This stuff can ruin paint and upholstery!

-Chicagoland MG Club

Problem: Overspray from UV protectant (Armorall) not just getting on the tires but getting on car's paint
Solution: Office supply stores sell a thin squeeze bottle with a sponge top commonly used for moistening stamps and envelopes. It is called the Sterling Master Moistener.

-George Blumb of Noblesville, IN (USA)

A good way to help stop loosing brake fluid when disconnecting lines is to place a large sheet of plastic between the master cylinder and its cap. This will create a partial vacuum and helps stop fluid from leaking out.

-Mike P.

Trying to remove a brake drum with no success? Make sure the adjuster is fully released, the emergency brake cable is slack and the screws holding the drum to the axle are removed. Then with a lead or brass hammer, hit the brake drum with a single hard blow on the face of the drum next to the center where the axle protrudes. This sudden blow causes the drum to slam against the axle flange and the rebound will cause the drum to pop free. Repeat until this drum is loose. Suggestion: do not hit on the holes where the screws held the drum to the axle, but rather move around the circle 90 degrees.

-name withheld by request

To loosen a cylinder head prior to removal , first remove all the head nuts (remembering to loosen in the correct order) and then with the spark plugs still in place but NOT connected, operate the starter briefly a couple of times. The head should now be easy to remove.

-name withheld by request

Ever have trouble removing a cylinder head off of the block? Rotate the crank so one of the middle pistons is at the bottom of the stroke. Remove the spark plug and thread in some thin rope filling the cylinder. Then rotate the crank and the rising piston will "push" the head loose.

-name withheld by request

Removing a steering wheel or anything else that is splined can be made easier by first tightening the nut before trying to loosen the object. By tightening the object moves slightly on the splines, breaking any corrosion that has formed which makes it easier to remove.

-name withheld by request

It can be frustrating trying to find where screws go through new carpet when you put the seats back in your car. Locate the "welded on nuts" under the car and push a large sewing needle up inside the nuts and into the car. This will show you very quickly where the screws are supposed to go through the carpet.

-Tom Broberg

To maintain the best electrical connection at joints, such as a wire plug and socket union, clean the plug and socket thoroughly (emory paper, fiberglass eraser, and tuner spray washdown), then fill the socket with some silicone grease and just plug it in. The grease will prevent corrosion from re-occurring at that connection.

-Jeff Burns

For more tips visit:

http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Speedway/1080/spitfaqs.html (The Tip of the Month Page)

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